Saturday, 12 September 2015

87. Suzukis

Anchored in Governor's Creek

I feel more respectable, and properly equipped with my new outboard, even though the guys at the dock made fun of my two and a half horsepower. I locked it to the dinghy with a bike lock, and am looking for some cable or covered chain to lock the dinghy to docks. Grand Cayman feels much safer than Jamaica, but I’ve decided to overboard on outboard security.

Most days I go for a walk along Seven Mile beach – it’s just over the road from the Yacht Club, and there’re two nice bars quite near: Tiki Beach and Calico Jack’s, both have showers and Wi-Fi. Further south, the Marriott and Ritz Carlton are nice; I liked the Marriott Jacuzzi.

Camana Bay

On a search for a launderette (also usually a good source of free books), I went to Camana Bay – beautiful, and expensive, although I found free Wi-Fi and power. Not really a launderette, Fluff and Fold was more like a dry cleaners, but I did find the Book Tree – a great book swap, and got some new books, including A Trip to the Beach – by the couple who started a restaurant in Anguilla. In the evenings I often listen to the radio, and read a book out in the Creek. I can get Wi-Fi from Morgan’s; the challenge is keeping my laptop charged.


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