Tuesday, 18 July 2017

183. St. Lucia

I had another very fast smooth sail to St. Lucia, although I nearly missed Pigeon Island. I sailed right into Rodney Bay, then motored into the lagoon, called the marina and picked up a mooring ball. I saw Buffish again already in a slip (they left for Bonaire the next day). The marina had my new mainsail – so excited to finally get that. I also fit the alternator I bought in St. Martin, and it seems to be working fine. Hopefully that will be the end of my fan belt problems (although I did buy another spare just in case).

Dr. Doolittle’s, Marigot Bay

The storm on Friday wasn’t really anything much but I was glad not to be out in the bay. On Sunday I gave my new alternator and mainsail a good test going to Marigot Bay. Tropical storm Don is headed this way, due to hit on Tuesday. Other boats rushed to get to Bequia, but Don actually veered to the south so I’m glad I decided to rest for a couple more days here and wait for it to pass and the seas to calm down. Next stop for me is Wallilabou Bay, St. Vincent.

Overlooking the lagoon, Marigot Bay

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