Thursday, 20 November 2014

41. Dead Head

Boat maintenance is taking over. I got problems with my head – every cruiser’s worst nightmare. I thought maybe something got stuck in a through hull when I was power washed, because my toilet isn’t flushing properly. So I jumped in (the bay) to unblock it. All hoses were clear, so I took the pump apart. Crap everywhere, literally, but I found the problem. I bought and fitted a new diaphragm and valves, cleaned everything and put it back together. And what do you know, now I don’t need to go…

my ensuite

My new outboard is heavy to lift on and off the boat from the dinghy, so I made a harness for the engine, and ran a line through the end of my boom so I can winch it up and swing it round into the cockpit. I fixed the air leak in the dinghy but water is still coming in. I’m not sure I can fix it, the whole transom needs resealing… My solution for the moment is to go fast, to plane whenever possible – that gets the water out.

birdy on my bowsprit

I’ve also been busy earning money. Last weekend I managed a booth at the USA College Fair in the Hyatt Hotel Port of Spain. I got paid a few hundred bucks, got to try out the Hyatt’s infinity pool, even got some little bottles of shampoo.

full moon in Chaguaramas (M/V Zorro on the right)

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